# HTML::Tiny | webally.co.za

HTML::Tiny - Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation

use HTML::Tiny;
my $h = HTML::Tiny->new;
# Generate a simple page
print $h->html(
    $h->head( $h->title( 'Sample page' ) ),
        $h->h1( { class => 'main' }, 'Sample page' ),
        $h->p( 'Hello, World', { class => 'detail' }, 'Second para' )
# Outputs
    <title>Sample page</title>
    <h1 class="main">Sample page</h1>
    <p>Hello, World</p>
    <p class="detail">Second para</p>


HTML::Tiny is a simple, dependency free module for generating HTML (and XML). It concentrates on generating syntactically correct XHTML using a simple Perl notation.

In addition to the HTML generation functions utility functions are provided to

  • encode and decode URL encoded strings
  • entity encode HTML
  • build query strings
  • JSON encode data structures


new Create a new HTML::Tiny. The constructor takes one optional argument: mode. mode can be either 'xml' (default) or 'html'. The difference is that in HTML mode, closed tags will not be closed with a forward slash; instead, closed tags will be returned as single open tags.


# Set HTML mode.
my $h = HTML::Tiny->new( mode => 'html' );
# The default is XML mode, but this can also be defined explicitly.
$h = HTML::Tiny->new( mode => 'xml' );

See the rest at: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::Tiny;