# Class::Tiny


  • This module offers a minimalist class construction kit in around 120 lines of code. Here is a list of features:
  • defines attributes via import arguments
  • generates read-write accessors
  • supports lazy attribute defaults
  • supports custom accessors
  • superclass provides a standard new constructor
  • new takes a hash reference or list of key/value pairs
  • new supports providing BUILDARGS to customize constructor options
  • new calls BUILD for each class from parent to child
  • superclass provides a DESTROY method
  • DESTROY calls DEMOLISH for each class from child to parent

Multiple-inheritance is possible, with superclass order determined via mro::get_linear_isa.

It uses no non-core modules for any recent Perl. On Perls older than v5.10 it requires MRO::Compat. On Perls older than v5.14, it requires Devel::GlobalDestruction.


# Defining attributes

Define attributes as a list of import arguments:

package Foo::Bar;
use Class::Tiny qw(

For each attribute, a read-write accessor is created unless a subroutine of that name already exists:

$obj->name;               # getter
$obj->name( "John Doe" ); # setter

See the rest at: https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Tiny